April 30, 2018

Welcome to the new Maryhurst.org

Click through to explore the new pages on our website

If you’ve visited Maryhurst.org in the past month, you may have noticed an overhaul of the photography, features and content.

The new Maryhurst.org isn’t just a facelift for the sake of having a modern-looking website. We’ve taken a great deal of feedback from friends like you – donors, prospective employees, referrers, and more – and made the site much more user-friendly.

For example – are you looking for ways to get involved? Look no further than our ‘TAKE ACTION’ section, where you’ll find info on volunteer opportunities and what items we’re gathering to help local children and families.

What if you’d like to learn more about our history? There’s a page for that!  

If, after you’ve spent some time learning about the problem of child abuse in Kentucky and how Maryhurst is helping, you’d like to donate to our cause, simply visit the donate page to set up one-time or recurring gifts.

Thank you for exploring the website, and we hope you’ll check back often as we continue to add new content.

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