February 28, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day 2020!

Thank you to the Sisters of the Good Shepherd

In what’s become a Valentine’s Day tradition, Maryhurst recently hosted visitors from the Sisters of the Good Shepherd Mid-North America region on our residential campus for a staff appreciation lunch.

Each year, the Sisters generously provide the resources for us to gather, visit, and share a bit about how we’ve adapted and carried on ‘Good Shepherd’ values since our separation from their order’s ownership several decades ago.

In addition to maintaining a legacy connection to Maryhurst’s services for children and families, the Sisters continue their work to “build partnerships that promote the dignity and human rights of all, especially women and children,” and “work for the transformation of unjust systems, the flourishing of humanity and integrity of all creation,” in 73 countries around the world.

Thanks for all the good work you do, Sisters!


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