April 30, 2020

Thanking our supporters during Coronavirus

COVID-19 has been challenging for Maryhurst. The children in our residential programs can’t visit their families or go on group outings. The families in our counseling program who are used to seeing therapists in their homes have transitioned to telehealth. Many client families are struggling financially after losing work. Each of us, including our staff, is coping differently as we experience an unprecedented global moment.

But the support we’ve received has been overwhelming. Our community partners have stepped up and made donations of supplies, meals, financial gifts and more. It’s helped convince us of what we knew to be true all along: as long as our community has our back, Maryhurst’s mission will always continue – no matter what.

Here is an incomplete list of groups we’d like to thank for their gifts since mid-March:

  • The Trinity Presbyterian Women’s Group, The Healing Tree, Susan Schafer, and many others for donating cloth masks to protect our clients and staff

  • Our Board of Directors for providing shift meals to keep our staff energized

  • Ashbourne Farms, Jet’s Pizza, Southeast Christian, Benchmark Mortgage, Kroger, and others for donating food for our staff and clients

  • Robin's Nest Interiors donated a mattress and boxsprings to a client needing to accommodate additional family members during the quarantine



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