June 30, 2020

Maryhurst, Equity, and Antiracism

The recent acts of violence and calls for racial justice in the Louisville community have had a profound effect on both Maryhurst’s staff and the children & families we serve.

In January, Maryhurst – led by our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Leadership Team – began the process of developing a new approach to DEI for our agency. As part of this strategy, we have searched for and contracted with an external DEI consultant who has the unique expertise to help us advance equity within our work.

In more recent weeks, we’ve recognized a need to begin the process of adopting actively antiracist principles and actions. We have work to do, but some early actions have included:

  • Publishing an open letter to the Louisville community
  • Organizing a solidarity march on our campuses
  • Hosting ‘listening sessions’ where staff can share perspectives and thoughts on opportunities for improvement

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